Monday, September 26, 2011


The Egyptian press stumbled toward the sunlight and the early protend vast journalistic shifts,and this is just not in Egypt. When Al Jazeera Qatar based outlet, dified threats and continued Saturation reporting of the January 25th up-rising, its Egyptian satellite signal was cut, is License pulled and some of its journalists were arrested. But Dubai based Al Arabiya which is More conservative competitor of Al Jazeera was preserved. Egyptian media reports began to change dramatically as journalists discovered their voices and consciences, as the Mubarak regimes began to slip. One of the country's fledgling independent newspapers and frequent regime critic, reported Accounts of the government thugs staging looting which is Al Masry al Youm (Egypt Today) and also it challenged state media for spreading a "culture of fear" and conspiracy theories about Israeli Trained protestors. Some high profile state televison journalists took leaves of absence in protest of orders from on high to continue broadcasting propaganda.Mohammed Ali Ibrahim the editor of Al Gomhouriya, a major state run newspaper addressed the protest in a frontpage column which was an apologize for not hearing the public and demand which was noted in Al Ahram's English language weekly. This newly found honesty was just able to flourish after a path had been cleared by both journalist and social media. Many bloggers and journalists persisted bolstering morale by churning out the ground level accounts of critical events. Just as the Tunisian upheaval inspired Egypt's protestors which couldn't be able to ignore by the most populous Arab country. Online news operations have sprouted, angering and frustruating authorities in places like kuwait and Jordan. Great challenges were faced by Arab journalists those were beyond government bullying. But the morning after Mubarak re-signed, Al Ahram editors saw the future abd rose to embrace it. They greeted readers with a stunning, bright red headline flared across its front page.

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